Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hot snakes

We were invited over to my supervisor's house for dinner tonight. I had visited the commissary yesterday and picked up a brownie mix. I thought I would make the brownies and take them over to her house for dessert. Well, I failed. Whether it was because I didn't have an egg to add to the mix (and I was too lazy to go and get one), or because I tried to make up for the missing ingredient by adding peanut butter, it just didn't work. So, plan B was to get a bottle of wine to take. We walked to our neighborhood market and selected a bottle of red wine. We had heard that Moldovan wine was nice, so we were looking for that. They didn't have any, of course, so we opted for Georgian wine, which is also supposed to be nice. Before we left for dinner, I took a closer look at the label and there was a paragraph in English on it. It said that the bottle paired nicely with hot snakes. Really?! Those Georgians are up to some fun culinary things. It wasn't until dinner that one of the guests pointed out that they probably meant hot snacks, not snakes. He said, "I've had a lot of Georgian food and I've never seen snakes." Not quite Japanglish, but close.

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